My Bad Boy Protector by Olivia Mack (ePUB)

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My Bad Boy Protector by Olivia Mack – Free eBooks Download


Our gaze locks. It’s him, a decade later, and I crave him instantly.
Memories flood back from high school, the heartbreak of our goodbye. We yearned for each other. He was my protector.
He’s still him, yet not quite. Taller, tattooed, incredibly HOT!
We can’t resist each other; old untouched flames rekindle wildly, setting our souls ablaze with desire.
His touch ignites sparks on my skin, his gaze pierces my heart, and his love and protection offer heavenly solace.
But spending more time together, a harsh truth surfaces: the bad boy image is no facade.
The excessive mysterious calls from work ignite a blend of curiosity and annoyance within me.
His pattern of vanishing for days only to reappear with an embrace, evokes both warmth and uncertainty.
Caught between the allure of this irresistible bad boy and the cherished memories of the past; A part of me wants to tell him to take a hike, when his secrets start to surface.

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  • My Bad Boy Protector – Olivia Mack ePUB



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