Bride of Lady Blueheart by Edie Marr (ePUB)

bride lady blueheart, edie marr

Bride of Lady Blueheart by Edie Marr – Free eBooks Download


I must marry Lady Blueheart. And being her wife is death.
I have no choice in the matter. Lady Blueheart chose me and her word is law in her lands.
And, I soon discover, in her bedchamber too.
I will be taken to her castle, high on the Mountains, surrounded by dangerous forests. I’m wife number nine. No one else seems to think it suspicious that Blueheart has been widowed eight times, but I am certain her wives suffer a terrible fate.
Is this fate connected to the mysteries I uncover in the castle? Why are there no guests at our wedding? Why is the castle so dusty and covered in cobwebs? Why are the maids all mute? And what’s in the room at the top of the High Tower?
And most importantly, will I escape handsome, demanding Lady Blueheart, or does the future have something even stranger in store for me?

File Details:

  • Bride of Lady Blueheart – Edie Marr ePUB



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