You Have Got to be Kidding Me by Jazz Delenz (ePUB)

you have got kidding, jazz delenz

You Have Got to be Kidding Me (Just Jessica #1) by Jazz Delenz – Free eBooks Download


Jessica has found the love of her life – HOORAY!
Then she lost him – BOO!
Now all she has to do is find him again. Simple. I mean, how hard can that be?

Sam is perfect. I mean really perfect. Gorgeous blue eyes, the cutest smile in the world and a body to make Jessica’s knees go as wobbly as strawberry jelly (although that could also be gin-related). After a wild night of toe-curling, bite-the-edge-of-the-duvet passion, she’s desperate to see him again, and she’s sure the feeling’s mutual. Sam has written his phone number in a very safe place. At least she thinks it’s safe – right up until the moment fate steps in and decides to have a little fun at her expense.

It turns out her “very safe place” isn’t quite safe enough, and now Jessica must try to find her mysterious perfect man.

But someone else is determined to stop her reuniting with him. Someone she trusts. Will she succeed in her manhunt and rediscover the potential love of her life? Or is she destined to lose him forever?

File Details:

  • You Have Got to be Kidding Me – Jazz Delenz ePUB




One Response

  1. Michael January 27, 2024 Reply

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