Valkyrie Fate by Nichole Rose (ePUB)

valkyrie fate, nichole rose

Valkyrie Fate (Valkyrie Bound #2) by Nichole Rose – Free eBooks Download


A Valkyrie bound by Fate. A Fae warrior driven by love. When destiny demands a sacrifice, will these fated mates pay the ultimate price?

For millennia, I was one of the strongest Fae warriors in Valhalla, willing to die to defend her borders. That was before the Forsaken destroyed everything I knew.
I’ve spent the last three hundred years trapped on earth, aching for vengeance. I never thought it’d come in the form of a petite little human with sapphire blue eyes and steel in her soul. The moment Tori binds my soul to hers, my allegiance shifts. Destroying the Forsaken no longer matters to me. Protecting this beautiful little Valkyrie is all I care about.
I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure she survives. Even if I have to destroy the nine realms myself. The only thing I won’t do is let her go. She’s mine. My Valkyrie. My soul. Mine.

I knew my ordinary, boring life was over when I was ripped from my bed by monsters. But I expected them to kill me, not thrust me into the middle of an ancient war.
I certainly didn’t expect Reaper. From the moment the warrior rescues me, our bond eclipses everything. It doesn’t matter that this world is new and terrifying. It doesn’t even matter that they’re asking me to do the impossible. All that matters is him.
Right up until I’m forced to make a choice that may destroy us both. How do I choose between the man I love and the fate of everything?

File Details:

  • Valkyrie Fate – Nichole Rose ePUB



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