Through the Wooden Door by K. Carr (ePUB, PDF, Downloads)

wooden door, k carr

Through the Wooden Door by K. Carr – Free eBooks Download


What can you do when your world comes crashing down? You focus on the little things. Little things mattered.

Jennifer Oakes needed the little things to help her get through each day. Taking care of her daughter. Helping her mom. Remembering to breathe. If she handled the little things then she could ignore the big things, like how much she despised her husband. That was what she told herself every single day since the accident which had destroyed their lives together. She would focus on the little things and ignore the big things.

Connor Oakes had lost everything which mattered to him, but he was determined to get it back…at least some of it. Some things were beyond reach and he only had himself to blame; but there were things he could control, things he would fight for. Salvaging what was left of his once happy life was his main focus. Navigating his crippling grief and a looming divorce was a feat he was determined to win. If only he could convince his estranged wife to give him a chance. He knew without a doubt they still loved each other, but whether their love could survive without forgiveness was another thing.

Warning: This book contains sensitive themes of an adult nature and references death.

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  • Through the Wooden Door – K. Carr ePUB



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