That Infuriating Feeling by Ali Hidalgo (ePUB)

infuriating feeling, ali hidalgo

That Infuriating Feeling (Chasing Feelings #2) by Ali Hidalgo – Free eBooks Download


Things haven’t been easy for June. Her best friend is gone forever, she has little control over her emotions, and her family thinks she’s lost it. That’s enough to be dealing with already, but one more challenge tacks itself onto the list: an infuriating classmate who seems hellbent on making her life difficult.
Oli is stressed out. Perpetually, it seems. His father thinks he’s a disappointment, his friends are utterly lost in life, and he’s constantly drowning in obligations. When whiskey and food aren’t enough to keep his thoughts at bay, he finds a better distraction: bugging the girl who sits next to him in history.
As the top two know-it-alls in class, there’s no question as to why they’ve been paired up to work together on a final project that must be perfect.
Conducting research, drafting an essay, and creating a presentation? Easy.
Not ripping each other’s heads off in the process? Next to impossible.

File Details:

  • That Infuriating Feeling – Ali Hidalgo ePUB



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