Sweet Mead for Lady Martine by Elizabeth Rose (ePUB)

sweet mead, elizabeth rose

Sweet Mead for Lady Martine (Below the Salt #7) by Elizabeth Rose – Free eBooks Download


The Innkeeper:
Innkeeper, David Stone’s worries are abundant and his troubles many. When an entourage of nobles enters his establishment one stormy night, his life turns upside down. His tavern is suddenly overcrowded and he is short on help. Now, a pregnant noblewoman is giving birth on his bed!

One of the nobles, Lady Martine, takes his interest, fainting in his arms after she helps his mother deliver a baby. Being so close and even touching a noblewoman is something that doesn’t usually happen to a commoner like David. The woman’s essence is as sweet as roses and her skin is as smooth as silk. Looking at the beautiful angel in his arms, he can’t stop wondering what it would be like to kiss her. But a thought like this is only going to get him into deep trouble.

File Details:

  • Sweet Mead for Lady Martine – Elizabeth Rose ePUB



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