Smitten with the Orthopedic Surgeon by Daphne Dyer (ePUB)

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Smitten with the Orthopedic Surgeon (Third Coast Medical Romance #1) by Daphne Dyer – Free eBooks Download


What do you do when your ex announces to a bar full of your neighbors that you are too loud, too opinionated, and too domineering for anyone to ever fall in love with you? And that you being you destroyed his little sister’s self-esteem?

Yeah … I didn’t have a game plan for that one either.
Lucky for me, my surrogate grandfather knew exactly what I needed. Three weeks on a Texas beach learning how to perfectly smoke a brisket is just the ticket to help me regain my confidence and figure out whose opinions matter.
I never expected to meet a sexy stranger my first night in town.
Have fireworks explode behind my eyelids when he kissed me.
Then have him run away like pitchfork-wielding villagers were chasing him.
Now, standing in my landlady’s kitchen, discovering said sexy stranger is 1) her grandson, 2) the instructor for my class, and 3) has deep secrets of his own, I’m not sure how I’m going to last three minutes, let alone three weeks.
Add in that my surrogate grandfather is her long-lost, presumed-dead brother and this trip isn’t the breezy barbecue class I thought it would be.
But I’ll do anything to reunite my surrogate grandfather with his family, including solving the half-century old mystery driving a wedge in the family.

All I need to do is not fall in love with my teacher and figure out why he’s keeping the details of his life (like that he’s a doctor, not a chef) secret as we uncover his families’ mysteries.

File Details:

  • Smitten with the Orthopedic Surgeon – Daphne Dyer ePUB



One Response

  1. Michael January 31, 2024 Reply

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