Seducing Jack Frost by Loretta Kendall (ePUB)

seducing jack frost, loretta kendall

Seducing Jack Frost (Masters of Love Holiday #1) by Loretta Kendall – Free eBooks Download


When challenged to write a Twelve Days of Christmas exposé for the Wrestling World Observer, journalist Laura Bunn sees the opportunity of a lifetime to work with her wrestling icons. Teamed with her favorite professional wrestler, Jack “Dawson Inferno” Frost, she struggles to uncover the secret world of the renowned superstar. Jack is not an eager participant in the documentary designed project. Finding himself attracted to the provocative reporter, he argues against sharing too much of his personal life to keep his anonymity. Laura learns the reasons behind his mysterious persona is to protect his family and the dark history of the Frost empire.

When an offer to live out her dreams as a wrestler from the owners of Wrestling Masters is presented, she must decide between the job with security, or the wrestling career she’s always longed for. While training with the wrestling leaders, she struggles with the demands of her editor to seduce Jack, aka Dawson Inferno, to get the story of his buried secrets. Laura finds that seduction comes easily but threatens to ruin the relationship between her and her longtime love interest.

File Details:

  • Seducing Jack Frost – Loretta Kendall ePUB



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