Saved from Jeopardy by Gia Cobie (ePUB)

saved from jeopardy, gia cobie

Saved from Jeopardy (Blade and Arrow Security #6) by Gia Cobie – Free eBooks Download


Six years ago my life imploded. And I made the worst mistake of my life.

I knew it would be hard to see him at the wedding.
How could it not be? He was the only man I ever loved. Even though I’m the one that ended things so cruelly.
But when I talked to Jack? Saw him face to face and realized the magnitude of what I lost? It was more than hard. It was unbearable.
So I ran. Me. After all my claims of being strong—one of the first female Green Berets, a valued member of Blade and Arrow Security—I crumbled.
I just wanted to get home, raging snowstorm or not. But what I wasn’t expecting was stubborn Jack following me. Refusing to leave. He wanted to know why I was so upset.
Telling him the truth? That’s what scares me the most.
I couldn’t understand why she was crying.
My Nora never cried. She considered it a personal weakness. So why did I find her running away in tears after seeing me?
I couldn’t just watch her go. Not after the cutting words I said to her. Not when my heart was so stubbornly clinging to all those old feelings.
She insisted on leaving, and I wouldn’t back down. So we ended up driving off into the blizzard together.
Reckless? Probably. Do I regret it? Not in the least.
Especially when my strong Nora needs me.
It was one thing being apart but knowing she was out there, still okay. Still safe. But when she’s in danger? I can’t turn my back on her. And past hurts don’t seem as important anymore.

File Details:

  • Saved from Jeopardy – Gia Cobie ePUB



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