Rock Me by Jessa James (ePUB, PDF, Downloads)

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Rock Me by Jessa James – Free eBooks Download


Ten years ago, I let her go. She loved me when I was nothing. I have everything now, platinum albums, money, fame. I have everything I want…everything but her.

Crystal Kerry
I was shy. Eighteen. And so f*cking in love I was ready to give up everything. Only he wouldn’t let me. He broke my heart. Pushed me away.
Now he’s back. He’s a rock star, a bad boy, a total egomaniac, a tattoo covered rock god with naked women begging for his attention. Everybody wants a piece of him. Everyone but me. Been there, done that. My heart shattered into a million pieces when he left and I never really put myself back together. I’m broken on the inside. I loved him. Trusted him. And he ruined me. Only a complete idiot would let him get close. But when he touches me, I melt. My heart races. I crave his touch.
Guess I’m not that smart after all…

Kit Kaswell
She was a siren. Used to be shy and so sweet I wanted to drown in her innocence, in the way she looked at me. Crystal rocked my world, rocked me. But she was going to ruin her life for a loser, a wanna-be rock star with no money and no prospects.
I hurt her. I had to. But none of that matters now. I want her back. I need her. I need to look into those baby-blue eyes and hear her soft cries of surrender. I remember what it felt like to hold her, to take what was mine. She’s still mine.
She just need me to remind her.

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  • Rock Me – Jessa James ePUB


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