Pucking Screwed by Charity Parkerson (ePUB)

pucking screwed, charity parkerson

Pucking Screwed (Thin Ice #3) by Charity Parkerson – Free eBooks Download


Daire has been a player on and off the ice for years. He’s burned a lot of bridges and hurt a lot of men. Until now.

Mid-season has been the same for Daire for the past few seasons; the idea of retiring plagues him. He’s played much longer than a lot of goalies. His body hurts. He’s tired. Yet he’s still playing like he’s at the top of his career and he doesn’t know if he can quit. Maybe he’s just heart sick. He’s a people person. People say he’s impossible to hate. But he feels the bitterness nonstop from the growing list of men he’s used. Then, in the blink of an eye, everything changes.
He just wanted ice cream. That was all. Jason had been wearing his favorite one-piece pajamas on a late Thursday night when the craving hit. That was his only plan. In a flash, he’s blindsided by a massive truck slamming into his driver’s side door. This huge man who should scare him comforts him in his fear and confusion. He stays when he could’ve left. Jason can’t get Daire out of his mind. Unfortunately, Daire is miles out of his league. What chance does an odd guy like him stand? Probably none.

File Details:

  • Pucking Screwed – Charity Parkerson ePUB



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