Permanently Pucked by Emma Foxx (ePUB)

permanently pucked, emma foxx

Permanently Pucked (Chicago Racketeers #4) by Emma Foxx – Free eBooks Download


I don’t do casual hookups. Never have. Not even with the three supposed-to-be one-night stands I had six months ago.
They all turned into the loves of my life.
But now I know exactly what to do with the three hot guys I met at that serendipitous hockey game.
Love them.
At least that’s the plan.
(Okay, yes, there’s still a lot of headboard-banging nights–and days–happening around here too.)
Our house is truly a home, the naked-times are better than any dirty romance I’ve ever read…or written…and our relationship is rock solid.
At least, I’m pretty sure it is.
As long as we can take our foursome to four plus a bundle of joy without any of my guys deciding that our unconventional approach to family is just a little more than he bargained for.

File Details:

  • Permanently Pucked – Emma Foxx ePUB



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