Outskirts by Jill Wexler (ePUB)

outskirts, jill wexler

Outskirts by Jill Wexler – Free eBooks Download


He’s a middle school teacher, for crying out loud. Definitely not a farmer, so it comes as a shock when his Uncle Damon dies and saddles him with not just a farm but some rural bar named Outskirts. With no easy way to rid himself of the inheritance, Brad Finley must suck it up and make some tough decisions. Lucky for him, his family, including his two closest cousins, are there for him, even if they do seem to enjoy his predicament a little too much. And as helpful as they are, what Brad really needs is someone with some business sense to make things less confusing.

Caleb McDaniels has returned to his podunk hometown after breaking up with his boyfriend and needing a fresh start. Unfortunately, his fresh start keeps stalling as he finds himself bartending at the semi-local watering hole with his dad. It was a cool job when he was in college, but it’s not what he wants to be doing now, no matter what his dad may think. However, when Brad shows up looking all downtrodden and confused about what to do with his new acquisition, Caleb can’t help but volunteer to help the man.

Outskirts is an extremely low angst, low heat, but sweet story of two men coming together to work through an unexpected inheritance, with a side of finding love in the midst.

File Details:

  • Outskirts – Jill Wexler ePUB



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