Moon Blessed by Embry Fox (ePUB)

moon blessed, embry fox

Moon Blessed (The Zeita Chronicles #1) by Embry Fox – Free eBooks Download


For 22 years, Summit and Sage got their hands on every fantasy and paranormal book they could find and watched every movie from Harry Potter to the Underworld series. Each day they talked about how they wished the world of magic and supernatural creatures was real… Summit spent a family vacation in New Orleans and sparked a series of events that she could only dream of. Now she is facing a prophecy that is foretold that she has to fulfill. Who knew touring an American city could lead to such an adventure? In the words from Summit herself…bring it on. Sage was intrigued when she received the phone call to save her best friend from an unfortunate incident. Little did she know, it roped her into Summit’s new realm of bullshit and now she is thrust into the adventure with her. In Sage’s words… “you are so lucky I love you.” Now they are both fighting against The Darkness and saving the world they had just learned of.

File Details:

  • Moon Blessed – Embry Fox ePUB



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