Metamorphosis by Bella Di Corte (ePUB)

metamorphosis, bella di corte

Metamorphosis (Gangsters of New York) by Bella Di Corte – Free eBooks Download


They say the most beautiful things in life come at a price—and that price has nothing to do with money.

I should know. By the age of twenty-one, life had taxed me beyond what I could afford.
So, when one of New York’s most elusive and dangerous men, Capo Macchiavello, came to me with an arrangement, it was a deal too good for me to refuse. And it wasn’t all about the security it offered me either. There was something about those electric-blue eyes that made me want to jump in, no life preserver.

Stormy emerald waters or clear blue sea—I had no idea what was waiting for me on the other side.
I’d always admired things that had to struggle to become beautiful. My name, Mariposa—the name he gave me—meant butterfly. It might as well have meant a fight for change. Because since meeting Capo, I felt trapped in my cocoon like never before. And on our honeymoon…I wanted to know how it felt to earn my wings and fly.

Metamorphosis is a Machiavellian Short Story that should be read AFTER Machiavellian. It’s set halfway through Machiavellian and takes us deeper into a section of the book that readers asked for more of.

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  • Metamorphosis – Bella Di Corte ePUB



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