Love Tagged by Andrea Ver Meer (ePUB)

love tagged, andrea ver meer

Love Tagged by Andrea Ver Meer – Free eBooks Download


Chance collided their lives, but in a world of paparazzi and public opinions, the connection could get them both Canceled. Or worse.

Turning data points into internet fame is how Cora Newman maintains her success as a Social Media Manager from the comfort of her cozy apartment. Reluctant to embrace the fast-moving technology of today, Cora proves you don’t have to be techy to be trendy. Preferring to stay behind the keyboard, she uses her talents and knowledge to create the viral sensations known as influencers while protecting the familiarity of her private lifestyle.
While British actor Ian Tillings has many opening scenes crediting his name, his success on the movie screen holds no impressive weight to gain Cora’s attention. Clinging to the tentative connection after their AirTags are accidentally switched, Ian uses his charms—and styling advice from Dee, his loving and brutally honest younger sister—to lure Cora from her virtual world.

From the moment their AirTags were unwittingly swapped, the twist of romance intertwined their fates.

File Details:

  • Love Tagged – Andrea Ver Meer ePUB



One Response

  1. Michael May 22, 2024 Reply

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