Hungry Hearts by Emery Quinn (ePUB)

hungry hearts, emery quinn

Hungry Hearts (Four Aces #4) by Emery Quinn – Free eBooks Download


Charming the panties off ladies is one of my favorite things to do. Well, and what happens after the panties come off. I keep my love life light and fun. Rarely do I have repeats, and only if and when the woman wants a commitment less than I do.
Until I meet her. Sad, gorgeous, whiskey eyes and a mouth that I fantasize wrapping around all my hard parts. But the words that come out are just as amazing. She’s witty. Funny. And a little mysterious.
It’s more than her stunning looks that pulls me in. It’s how easily she plays along with my banter without my charm going to her head. She doesn’t leap across the bartop to get into my pants. Not that I’d mind, but it’s that she’s holding herself back when most women don’t that intrigues me.
My heart drops when I turn around and she’s gone, but she leaves something behind. Her hotel keycard and her room number.

I’ve never been so brazen or forward with a man. Leaving my hotel key was the bravest or stupidest thing I’ve ever done. Only time will tell. The knock on my door has me regretting my decision, but I’m determined to start living my life again. The past five years have been wonderful and miserable, and I’ve been living for one soul purpose, but not my own. Tonight is about me and my needs. Not everyone’s expectations and what they need from me.
What I don’t expect is for Ryder to be so gentle and understanding. That is, until we get down and dirty. For as considerate and gentlemanly as he is, when clothing is stripped, he’s a dirty talking sexy beast. My body has never felt so alive. He doesn’t look at me with pity. He doesn’t handle me with kid gloves. He treats me like a goddess, and I’m all for it.
But when I wake in the wee hours of the morning, I walk away, needing to keep my fantasy night real.
What I don’t expect is Ryder to track me down. Or him to buy me coffee every morning until I agree to a date. I’m not his type. He’s not mine. What I have, what I am, is exactly what he’s been avoiding all his life.
Yet he can’t stay away.
And neither can I.

File Details:

  • Hungry Hearts – Emery Quinn ePUB



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