Haven by Becca Jameson (ePUB)

haven, becca jameson

Haven (The Wanderers #6) by Becca Jameson – Free eBooks Download


There is no safe place in the world anymore, especially for women. For several decades, the birth rate of females has been declining. Militants, the government, and private citizens alike will do anything to find young women and force them into unthinkable arrangements.

Against the darkness of this world stand The Wanderers—a secret society born to provide sanctuary for anyone who believes in free will and democratic notions. Their numbers are growing and their citizens live in safe, hidden compounds.
Harmony’s path in life has always been predetermined. She was lucky to have been permitted to stay with her mother until she was twelve. Many girls were not so fortunate. But that was eight years ago. She’ll be twenty soon, and she’s been a ward of the state, living in a girls’ home, for almost half her life. The clock is ticking. Females have no rights in the new world. She will be wed against her will to a man she did not choose and has not met on her twentieth birthday.

Unbeknownst to Harmony, a team of Wanderers has a plan to rescue her. It’s risky. It might fail. All four men are endangering their lives for a woman they’ve never met. But in this post-apocalyptic society, danger lurks around every corner and risks are taken for the better of humanity every day.
Mykel, Eldin, Blane, and York have very few details to go on, but they intend to rescue Harmony if it’s the last thing they do. What they don’t expect is to fall head over heals for the woman. Their mission is to bring her to The Wanderers bunker and reunite her with her mother. But that plan might take a detour if their affection for Harmony is reciprocated.

File Details:

  • Haven – Becca Jameson ePUB



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