Defiled By the Destroyer by V.T. Bonds (ePUB)

defiled by destroyer, vt bonds

Defiled by the Destroyer (The Knottiverse: Alphas of the Waterworld #4) by V.T. Bonds – Free eBooks Download


“C’mon, tiny scorpion. Call for daddy. Beg him to save you.” -Fore
Living under the fighting pits isn’t safe, but it’s the only place to hide from the alpha my parents betrayed before I even existed. For two decades we’ve avoided him, but with my mother miraculously pregnant again and my father missing, our luck runs out.
The Destroyer finds us, and he’s just as angry as the day my father scarred his face and left him for dead. With his grey eyes trained on me, I know I’m doomed.
He doesn’t want to kill my parents.
He wants to use me as his revenge.
He wants to claim me.
Hurt me.
Defile me.
Light on plot, heavy on spice, dive into this ‘quick read’ dark dystopian human omegaverse romance knowing you’ll find triggering content, including a possessive alpha, a reluctant omega, and a delicious battle of wills that ends in Happily Ever After.

File Details:

  • Defiled by the Destroyer – V.T. Bonds ePUB



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