Dark Seduction by Naomi West (ePUB, PDF, Downloads)

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Dark Seduction by Naomi West – Free eBooks Download


Felice thinks she’s using me, but she doesn’t know the first thing about what that means. I’ll show her how it feels to be used. To be touched and teased and bent over my knee, moaning for release. It’s twisted. It’s wrong. But I’m going to have her anyways.

What they don’t tell you about a fall from grace is that it hurts like hell when you land.
I had everything – the perfect fiancé, the perfect best friend, the perfect life. Then it all collapsed. That rat bastard cheated on me and left my heart in flames. So I took his car and clothes to the middle of the desert and set the whole mess on fire. Eye for an eye, right? And just then, right on cue, another opportunity for revenge rolled up on the back of a growling motorcycle. Pierce Normandy is everything my ex-fiancé is not.e’s rugged. Cruel. And sexy as hell. I’ll use him to make my ex jealous. It’s just a fling – nobody plans on falling in love. What could go wrong?

I was a king.President of a motorcycle club that no one in their right mind would dare f**k with. I had women, riches, and the loyalty of every single one of my brothers. Except for one. My second in command stabbed me in the back and framed me for a murder I didn’t commit. I had no choice but to leave it all behind. I come across an angry little rich girl in the desert. She looks like she’s got problems, but I’m not one to pry. I offer her a ride back to her house, and in exchange, she gives me a place to stay for the night. But Little Miss Priss thinks I’ll be the next tool in her revenge plot. Think again, honey. I’ve been used once. I’m not going to let it happen again

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  • Dark Seduction – Naomi West ePUB



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