Coldest Kind of Love by MP Bates (ePUB)

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Coldest Kind of Love (Crimson Hawk’s Hockey #1) by MP Bates – Free eBooks Download


The Crimson Hawk’s are my dream team.
Playing for them for the last few years has been the best time of my life.
I worked hard for my chance to be here, playing alongside my best friends, and wouldn’t change a thing.
After losing my dad, all I wanna do is make him proud day in and day out every time I get out on that ice.
Until he comes along, and ruins everything I’ve been so used to.
The man who I once called my stepbrother, my best friend, my lover.
But he gave me too many reasons to hate him.
I made my peace with losing him years ago.
But how am I supposed to keep hating him when he’s my new left winger, taunting me on and off the ice?
Foster Callcott is the bane of my existence, and I don’t know how long I can keep hating him.

“I just want to play nice again, Foster”

File Details:

  • Coldest Kind of Love – MP Bates ePUB



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