Branded By The Dragon Prince by Kiera Legend (ePUB)

branded dragon prince, kiera legend

Branded By The Dragon Prince (Lords Of Fire & Ash) by Kiera Legend – Free eBooks Download


Onya doesn’t believe in dragons…
Old lore says that powerful dragons once created Andlang, ruling over it for thousands and thousands of years until man’s greed and cruelty destroyed it all. The dragons are long dead and gone, and now, her world is suffering. Crops are failing, livestock is starving, and the population is dwindling, making fertile women a precious resource—more valuable than gold.

Onya doesn’t believe in fate either…
While her friends talk of marriage and having babies, she dreams of running away. Of a life without the burden of a husband or a child. Not even the Gods can save her when a royal carriage shows up at her homestead, taking her to the Great House of Kings, where she’ll be made a Lady and marry a nobleman—hoping she’ll birth a healthy child.
And it is her duty to comply…
Except, she’d rather be a servant for the rest of her life than an obedient wife and mother. Scheming of ways to escape, Onya creeps around the fortress, only to discover that the golden-eyed, dangerous, chained man in the dungeons has a different plan for her.

Because dragons, and fate, believe in Onya…

File Details:

  • Branded By The Dragon Prince – Kiera Legend ePUB



One Response

  1. Rose January 29, 2024 Reply

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