A Very Happy Valentine by Elise Noble (ePUB)

very happy, elise noble

A Very Happy Valentine (Happy Ever After #2) by Elise Noble – Free eBooks Download


To go or not to go, that is the question…
School reunions suck, everyone knows this, but Serena Carlisle has put herself down as a “maybe.” Maybe she’ll stay home and cry into her ice cream, or maybe she’ll put on her big-girl pants and show her old classmates that she’s managed to make something of herself.

Marc di Gregorio is Hollywood’s hottest property, and Serena’s getting paid to kiss him on stage every night. A dream job, right? It would be if not for Owen Cadwallader, the man she last saw eight years ago as she was loaded into the back of a police car at the school prom. The teenage crush she’s never been able to forget. He’s a “maybe” too, but will Serena manage to hold her nerve and face him again? Or should she take the easy option and drown her sorrows with a handsome heartthrob instead?

File Details:

  • A Very Happy Valentine – Elise Noble ePUB



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