A Lady’s Propitious Match by Amanda Stones (ePUB)

lady's propitious match, amanda stones

A Lady’s Propitious Match (Regency Marriages of Convenience #3) by Amanda Stones – Free eBooks Download


Forbidden love defies the chains of duty…

Lady Clara Belmont yearns to pursue her artistic passions yet chafes at the rigid expectations placed on her as an earl’s daughter on the marriage mart. While her parents leverage her chances at prestigious alliances, Clara feels constrained maneuvering superficial suitors paraded before her more for credentials than compatibility. When chance brings intriguing second son Christopher Fitzhugh across Clara’s path though at a high society ball, instant rapport awakens Clara’s mind and spirit in ways no other gentleman has managed. As friendship blossoms, so too does an charged undercurrent neither can ignore…
Worldly Christopher Fitzhugh returns to London hoping to grow his creative tutoring business, not chain himself to society’s marriage ideals. But avoiding his meddling mother’s aggressive matchmaking schemes with the daughter of family friends proves trickier than anticipated. However, from the moment vivacious Lady Clara enters Christopher’s orbit with her fiery intelligence and artistic soul, she captures both his attention and heart irrevocably. To gain autonomy without severing family ties, Christopher and Clara orchestrate a fake courtship only to tumble rapidly into love’s realities, intensified by the very facades they cling to.

Will upholding their romantic deceptions enable two star-crossed dreamers to transcend the divides of class and convention to embrace reality’s passion? Or will ruthless revelations from those who would control their destinies doom love’s consummation before it sparks into glorious flame?

File Details:

  • A Lady’s Propitious Match – Amanda Stones ePUB



One Response

  1. Michael May 24, 2024 Reply

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