Tag: medusa stone

alexander medusa stone

Alexander by Medusa Stone (ePUB)

Alexander (The Underground #2) by Medusa Stone – Free eBooks Download Description: Anthony’s cruel training continues, at the hands of Dominic and others, while the truth about Alex’s past and motives is revealed. As Tony’s …

Indoctrination by Medusa Stone (ePUB)

Indoctrination (The Underground #1) by Medusa Stone – Free eBooks Download Description: The Underground is a dark tale filled with mystery, intrigue, conflicting emotions, and love. As our main characters embark on a journey to …
rejected medusa stone

Rejected by Medusa Stone (ePUB)

Rejected (Journey to the New World #2) by Medusa Stone – Free eBooks Download Description: Journey to the New World is a saga packed with action, nail-biting suspense, courage, and love, in which Eliott’s search …